Saturday, December 24, 2022

How To Remove Pet Stains From Carpet?

Pet stains removal from carpet is a task all pet owners are usually familiar with. Luckily, pet stains removal is easy only if you know the correct carpet cleaning service. If your dog or cat just stained the carpet with urine or muddy paws, quickly remove it. It is the quickest and offensive option to save your carpet from staining. You can remove pet stains easily from carpets by using home available products. Paper towels, urine absorbing sheets, vinegar, baking soda, and vacuum cleaner can be your savior in need. If you are a pet owner, then it is right to say that you love your pet unconditionally. So, to maintain the health and hygiene of your pet avoid using manufactured carpet cleaning products. Rather, it is suggested to use homemade remedies to clean pet stains odor removal.

Steps To Remove Pet Stains From The Carpet Quickly

STEP 1: Just Dab, Do not Brush

To dab the pet stain, use a regular towel. Do not brush the stains. Brushing will only make it even worse. You will end up getting an intense pet stain that will ultimately need to be covered with furniture. Carpet cleaning must be done carefully with soft hands. If the paper towel is all soaked up, replace it with another one. Do not stop patting the pet stain until it dries.

STEP 2: Apply Vinegar

Take a container and add 50% of vinegar with 50% of lukewarm water. Mix the vinegar solution and apply it to the pet stain. Make sure the stained portion is properly soaked up with the vinegar solution. This carpet cleaning step is useful in two ways - it cuts through the unwanted pet stain and re-wets it. The re-wetting feature lifts the dog’s urine and it is easily carried away. Vinegar neutralizes ammonia that is present in urine and cuts the smell from the carpet. In case this 1:1 of vinegar and water doesn’t work, use 100% white vinegar, it’s safe for carpet cleaning.

STEP 3: Apply Baking Soda, Wait, And Dry

When the spot is still moist, pour the mixture of baking soda with a few drops of white vinegar. The stained portion will quickly start bubbling and the urine smell will soon vanish from the carpet. Use a soft-bristled brush to rub the baking soda on the carpet till it reaches the bottom. Keep the solution of baking soda on until it dries fully. Drying may take a long time, usually a day or overnight. The carpet cleaning experts recommend doing this step in the evening time for treating pet stains. Use a vacuum cleaner once it dries and you’ll get a expert clean the carpets.

Take Professional Guidance For Best Pet Stain Removal From Carpets

Many of you are confused when it comes to carpet cleaning. Different questions click the mind when it is about carpet cleaning. Will the carpet quality degrade? What about it’s softness? Will freshness remain the same after cleaning? Don’t worry if you are facing the same situation. Classic Carpet Cleaning is well known for providing professional carpet cleaning services for ages. We have highly qualified and experienced professionals. Experts are working daily on several carpet cleaning techniques and are giving their best possible outputs. Book a slot with us and get rid of unwanted pet stains on carpets permanently.

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How To Remove Pet Stains From Carpet?

Pet stains removal from carpet is a task all pet owners are usually familiar with. Luckily, pet stains removal is easy only if you know the ...